SEEDS 33. Stykkishólmur in the Snæfellsnes peninsula
SEEDS 33. Stykkishólmur in the Snæfellsnes peninsula
20.07.2011 Stykkishólmur is probably one of the most beautiful things that I’ve seen in the sunset. The best place to watch this spectacular show of colours is the big rock in the harbor were the lighthouse is. You have a panorama of the entire harbor and, if you turn your head around, you see only the. . .
SEEDS 48. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland
SEEDS 48. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland
18.07.2011 How is farm life in Iceland? If you ever asked yourself this question, then this workcamp was the perfect answer. This July, eight volunteers from Austria, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Taiwan got the chance to work for two weeks on a beautiful farm in south Iceland and gain some first hand. . .
SEEDS 44. Reykjavík - Green & Fun!
SEEDS 44. Reykjavík - Green & Fun!
18.07.2011 The first day, when the group met, everybody knew that things were not going to be easy, not everyone spoke or understood English fluently but we managed to not panic. We decided that if we had come to Iceland, it was to enjoy the experience and we would all do our best to have fun. Our idea. . .
SEEDS 53. Nordic Sailing, Coastal & Cultural festival
SEEDS 53. Nordic Sailing, Coastal & Cultural festival
15.07.2011 We start the day with the best breakfast ever! Looking from the window of the ‘Dill’ Ship, docked in Husavik. Swallowing slowly the delicious breakfast we prepared ourselves for another day of working in the ‘house’,  ‘visir’, ‘shrimps’, ‘rax’- which are small galleries we always forget the. . .
SEEDS 46. Reykjavík International Photo Marathon
SEEDS 46. Reykjavík International Photo Marathon
09.07.2011 This workcamp has been simply amazing. It was the first time that I was leading a camp alone, but with such a nice group everything was super easy! We were located in a school in the center of Reykjavík and apart from the photo content of the workcamp (I’m super happy! My volunteers have lear. . .
SEEDS 25. Reykjavík & Ísafjörður Culture from Head to Toe
SEEDS 25. Reykjavík & Ísafjörður Culture from Head to Toe
07.07.2011 The Annual music festival Við Djúpið was held this summer, as well as in previous years, in the West Fjord's capital Ísafjörður. The festival hosted a team of seven SEEDS volunteers around the summer solstice. In Ísafjörður music has been part of daily life for a long time. The Ísafjörður Mus. . .
SEEDS 40. Vatnajökull National Park & Organic Iceland
SEEDS 40. Vatnajökull National Park & Organic Iceland
05.07.2011 Those special two weeks were all about plants. First week, our workcamp was based in Skaftafell where we had to monitor the lupin’s growth and kill the plants that threatened the native species in the National Park. In the next week, we moved to Laugarvatn and, as druids with little wooden b. . .
SEEDS 32. Patreksfjörður - Unique West fjords
SEEDS 32. Patreksfjörður - Unique West fjords
04.07.2011 Patreksfjordur is one of the well-known fishing towns of Iceland in the Westfjords. 8 SEEDS volunteers built the Dandelion Route above the town, a walking path for the locals and named one of the biggest stones above the town the Whale Watching Stone, because that will be the place to catch. . .
SEEDS 30. Meet us, don't eat us!
SEEDS 30. Meet us, don't eat us!
04.07.2011 Meet us, don’t eat us! This would be your favourite phrase for two weeks in the whale protection workcamp! You will have the chance to work in contact with an expert in whale protection, to have better knowledge about this huge and fascinating animal! You will work with other volunteers. . .
SEEDS 41. Vatnajökull National Park & Reykjavík
SEEDS 41. Vatnajökull National Park & Reykjavík
02.07.2011 Today we went for a seven hour hike, we were lucky as the weather was great and we had plenty of cookies! The view rewarded us for the hard hike. A few more days killing lupin and our reward will be a ‘glacier walk’. Thanks to our host we have cookies also for this! The work is kind of r. . .
SEEDS 35. Window into the Viking World
SEEDS 35. Window into the Viking World
01.07.2011 Returning back to a “normal” house after the pleasure of two weeks living inside a fully functioning turf house is somewhat of a disappointing slump back to reality .  Our group of volunteers huddled into the cosy, creaking, old turf house and had a glimpse into the humbling architectural her. . .
SEEDS 39. Alviðra - Environmental Education Centre
SEEDS 39. Alviðra - Environmental Education Centre
30.06.2011 The Environmental education centre at Alviðra became a home for an international group of SEEDS volunteers for two weeks. The barn, yard & pet cemetery needed some maintenance after the winter and spring. The SEEDS group brought a lot of creativity and enthusiasm to this place! Thanks to us. . .
SEEDS 21. Meet us - don't eat us! (2)
SEEDS 21. Meet us - don't eat us! (2)
29.06.2011 Seeing a whale in its natural habitat is a breathtaking experience. We had the chance to see these great sea mammals up close during our workcamp in cooperation with the IFAW. You can say we approached the topic “whales” from many different angles during this workcamp. We gained a lot of know. . .
SEEDS 27. Stykkishólmur in the Snæfellsnes peninsula
SEEDS 27. Stykkishólmur in the Snæfellsnes peninsula
25.06.2011 WHEELBARROW TEAM! We are building walking paths around the golf course today, carrying wheelbarrows of gravel, and we are nearly finished. It’s been funny sometimes as golf balls have been flying past us at some speed! We are playing a game that keeps us occupied, where you have to think of. . .
SEEDS 20. Sustainability in Action
SEEDS 20. Sustainability in Action
24.06.2011 We were welcomed in this farm the first day by young Icelandic puppies! Adorable! It is the first project of Seeds at this organic farm. Our host has many projects around the farm like breeding Icelandic dogs, raising horses, and developing her project of a peace center. Our host is an eclect. . .