SEEDS 013. Natural heritage in the far East - Halfway there!
After a very long drive we arrived here at the very eastern end of Iceland on the night from Monday to Tuesday. On the way we learned how different the weather can be here in Iceland. We left the sunny Reykjavík and entered a sandstorm followed by rain and strong wind and later even snow!
Our. . .
SEEDS 012. Nature & Fun at the feet of Vatnajökull - Work, Glacier & Hot Pots!
For a few days we have worked in the farm and in the guest house gardening, cleaning the junkyard and milking cows or atleast trying to milk them.
The work is physical and SEEDS volunteers are doing an amazing job. We are rewarded with outdoor hot pots with a view on the glacier and we can. . .
SEEDS 014. Djúpavík - Where the northern road ends!
Right now (midnight) we are enjoying one of the most amazing sunsets we´ve ever seen and along the two days we´ve been at the Djúpavík workcamp we have already had tons of picture opportunities! Westfjords are simply astonishing ;)
Today, our first working day, we´ve been cleaning the bottom. . .
SEEDS in France! Sustainable Development Training

4 days, 16 participants, 9 different countries, and one focus, sustainable development. This describes the week that two of SEEDS members spent in France with our colleague organization Solidarités Jeunesses.
With the objective of tackling the important issue of sustainable development we foc. . .
SEEDS Leaders & Messengers - Fresh and well trained!
Last week the new SEEDS long-term volunteers, soon-to-be camp leaders, returned from Northern Iceland where they took part in a training camp. Joined by SEEDS office staff, the volunteers built a barefoot path and helped with renovating the facilities of an old boarding school that is now part of. . .
SEEDS 007. Ísafjarðardjúp: Nature & Fun in the Westfjords

Just a wave from North-Western Iceland to say that we´ve had wonderful luck with the group dynamic and the weather!
These first days have been a real delight. The hosts seem happy with our work so far and I´m really impressed by what the short-term v. . .
SEEDS 016. Easter at Eyjafjörður - The longest fjord

Beautiful landscapes, interesting work, and very nice local Icelanders made for a wonderful experience for our SEEDS volunteers in this workcamp.
Working to turn an old school into a sustainable tourist association/cooperative we had a busy two weeks! From breaking down walls to building new. . .
Come and join us for the Earth Day Activities on 22.04.2012

This Sunday, April 22nd, you are invited to participate in a number of eco-friendly events that all investigate creative approaches to eco-friendly living in Reykjavik.
SEEDS presents together with the artist collaborative group Cars, Vegetables and Garbage, Hostelling International and Sorpa. . .
SEEDS 010. Reykjavík Fashion Festival

March was a busy month here in Reykjavik! With both the Design March and the Fashion Festival the city was filled with creativity, fashion, design and of course lots of fun.
SEEDS volunteers were lucky to have the opportunity to be part of the 3rd Reykjavík Fashion Festival and get a behind t. . .
SEEDS 002. Reykjavík: Design, Renovation & Environment

500 designers, 100 events and exhibitions, a hard working group of 10 SEEDS volunteers, its Design March time!
The fourth annual Design March took over Reykjavik and filled the city with creativity and fun in the last weeks of March. Of course SEEDS was in full force at the event working with. . .
SEEDS 001. Reykjavík Photographic March

Ever find yourself coming back from vacation wishing you had taken more photos to truly capture your experience? How great would it be to have a vacation that combines voluntary work, photography lessons & sightseeing at the same time!
SEEDS can make this exact volunteer vacation possible thr. . .
SEEDS Iceland - 2012 Workcamps released!

We are very glad to inform you we are releasing our programme of short-term voluntary service projects through workcamps in Iceland for this 2012; so in case you want to join us or you know someone who may be interested in doing so, please feel free to pass on the information.
This year we ar. . .
SEEDS at Útsókn - February 14, Keflavík

SEEDS will be in Keflavík on the 14th of February for the 2012 edition of Útsókn.
The event is a showcase for Icelandic youth to learn about the possibilities to make experiences abroad!
We will soon be sending volunteers to Italy, Portugal, South-Korea and Turkey. So if you are lookin. . .
SEEDS at Útþrá - February 7, Hitt Húsið (Reykjavík)

This year again, many youngsters came to Útþrá in Reykjavík city center, looking for information and opportunities to join a project abroad.
Of course, SEEDS was there with all forces to provide casual conversations and accurate answers.
We are really satisfied to see that Icelanders a. . .
SEEDS - Langar þig á vegum SEEDS til Portúgals 24. mars - 1. apríl n.k. ?

Hefur þú áhuga á að ferðast, hitta nýtt fólk, kynnast framandi menningu, koma á nýjar slóðir og skemmta þér? Sjálfboðaliðasamtökin SEEDS munu senda sjö manna hóp til þátttöku í spennandi verkefni í Peniche í Portúgal: Legends of Europe. Langar þig til að slást í hópinn?
Hvert: Peniche í Port. . .