SEEDS 040. Hitting the slopes - Skalafell & Blue Mountains
The sun, the fog, the rain, we experienced lots of different weather in Bláfjöll. Still we managed to paint ski cabins and clean the area finding so many treasures under the chairlifts.
But the real treasures were not on the slopes but hidden in the lava fields surrounding the area. Many cav. . .
SEEDS 038. Revegetation in the South of Iceland - Mission accomplished!

Yeah, we did it!!! The thirteen little green heroes have planted some seeds of hope around the South of Iceland (and we have our diplomas as proof!!!). Our results will be seen, for sure, in a couple of years. Everyday we were shoveling for a greener future, Mother Nature will be very grateful to. . .
SEEDS 030. Meet us - don´t eat us (2:6) - Save a whale, bite on a waffle!
´Hi! Would you like to save some whales? It´s very easy! Just write down your name and the country you are from!´ - this and some other ´pick-up lines´ have become extremely popular in the streets of Reykjavík for last two weeks because of 10 energetic, young, creative and cheerful volunteers, ea. . .
SEEDS 038. Revegetation in the South of Iceland! - The Green Heroes!

Here we are, all of us, 13 people working hard (always together with our great hosts) for a week now in different places in Southern Iceland!
We are doing several tasks: from spreading natural and organic fertilizer with our shovels and rakes (we are in the top of some mountains of that mater. . .
SEEDS 026. As far as it gets in the East fjords! - Roaming the wilderness!
As far as it gets at east fjords - that´s the real spirit of Iceland! Long drive from Reykjavík cause our camp was set at a very remote place about 700 km´s from capital all over the mountains and rivers where nearest village and shop are 50 km´s away. Surrounded by spectacular Icelandic landscap. . .
SEEDS 040. Hitting the slopes - Skálafell & Blue Mountains
After one week in Skálafell, we are now masters in the art of raking. Taking the chairlift everyday to go on top of the mountain, raking it to the bottom to create bike tracks. The result is certified by one of our volunteers who tried them with his own bike.
With a beautiful view on Þingvel. . .
SEEDS 027. Hafnarfjördur - Revegetation in the Reykjanes Peninsula
Re-vegetating the mountains is one of the most interesting and grateful things you can do in here in Iceland. During these two weeks we planted birch/willow/rowen, measured them and spread natural fertilizer in a lot different places in the Reykjanes peninsula.
Seltún, Golden circle, Sn. . .
SEEDS 018. Botanic Garden in Reykjavík (3:9) - Tree huggers?!? For sure!!!
Hi there everyone!!
Finally we concluded our workcamp here in Reykjavik. We have had a lot of fun working along with the staff of the Botanic Garden doing tasks such as weeding, moving soil, planting flowers in that soil moved…gardening in general, but the best of all is that a perfect wea. . .
SEEDS 021. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland - It's over! Unfortunately?
Work camp is finished and everyone is back in Reykjavik to spend the last evening together. So, while guys are making Mexican food, we take a look back at all the things that happened during those 2 weeks in the southern Iceland.
It has been a lot of painting and new things we all learned-. . .
SEEDS 023. The Highlands North of Vatnajökul glacier - Ten days, luckily few more to come!

We, 9 volunteers, have already spent 10 days in a farm house in the highlands of Iceland. Everything here is much better than we expected it to be. We are in the middle of Nowhere – it takes 45 minutes to get to the nearest village and we love it. The landscape here is amazing - mountains all ove. . .
SEEDS 021. Nature & Culture in the South of Iceland - Heating sandwiches in volcanic sand!
We ( I and 6 volunteers) have lived with our hosts for almost a week now and it has been a great time and mostly - very nice weather, as it usually is in southern parts of Iceland. So far we have worked on painting the houses and fixing the roof, as well as general cleaning and fixing things. Soo. . .
SEEDS 017. Far far away! Icelandic heritage - Newly formed friendship!

At the end of a wonderful two weeks in the East, we have left our volunteers and the host with a heavy heart but full of great memories.
After cleaning and preparing the museum for the opening day ahead of schedule we spent a slightly more relaxed week making chicken wire manikins, marking. . .
SEEDS 007. Nature and Fun in the Westfjords - Fun indeed it was!

I spent the last fortnight working with 9 international volunteers in a remote part of North-Western Iceland. The project was based in a socially responsible hotel / farm / activity centre. Our main task was working on the construction of a large extension to the hotel building. But we also helpe. . .
SEEDS 012. Nature & Fun at the feet of Vatnajökull
"After 10 days working we discovered muscles that we didn´t know existed. The work was hard but the team spirit was stronger. Thanks to an amazing team of volunteers, we managed to create a 2.5 km hiking path leading to the glacier and prepared the farm for the summer.
A farmer´s workday is. . .
SEEDS 017. Far far away! Icelandic heritage

Góðan daginn from the North east of Iceland!
What a stunning place. The rocky fjords protrude into the deep blue ocean, while the snow-capped peaks tower all around us. The views are numerous, breathless and endless.
Our host welcomed us into her home with open arms and gave us a flavour. . .