SEEDS Workcamps 2007 are online!!
We are glad to announce and confirm our first 14 projects for this summer 2007 in Iceland!!
You can find more information about them at our website
So far, we have confirmed 14 projects all around Iceland and volunteers will be performing different tasks! Please feel. . .
SEEDS at Alliance TM in Antalya, Turkey

The technical meeting of the Alliance of European voluntary service organisations takes place this year in Antalya (Turkey) between March 5th and 11th. Two delegates from SEEDS attend the meeting and represent our organisation at the platform's annual gathering.
Áslaug Ármannsdóttir and Oscar. . .
SEEDS at SCI TEM - Crikvenica, Croatia.

SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, sent two representatives to the Annual Technical Meeting -TEM- of Service Civil International (SCI) in Crikvenica, Croatia.
Jérémie Jung and Oscar-Mauricio Uscategui represented SEEDS Iceland in the meeting, which is organised in the beginning of March every year; i. . .
SEEDS at YAP CD I, 2007 - London

YAP, Youth Action for Peace, has invited SEEDS to take part in their Committee of Directors meeting in London between February 22nd and 25th, 2007.
SEEDS Iceland started cooperation with some of the branches of YAP during 2006 hosting volunteers in our workcamps in Iceland. For the year 2007. . .
Útþrá - Hitt Húsið

SEEDS Iceland took part once again in the event Útþrá, which took place at Hitt Húsið last Friday. We had the opportunity to introduce to Icelandic youngsters the possibilities they have to take part in voluntary service projects abroad.
This year Útþrá was organised the same weekend as the U. . .
Towards an Environmental office! Paperless Office!
SEEDS -SEE beyonD borderS- has committed itself towards environmental protection and resources preservation; therefore with this new year we want to reduce as much as possible the negative impact of our activities on the environment.
As an environmentally conscious organisation we acknowledge. . .
New Year ahead! 2007 is here!

SEEDS Iceland hopes you all had a great 2006 and wishes all the best for the new 2007!
May the new year bring for you blessings, happiness, success, health, peace and love for all the new year ahead!!!
And for us... more opportunities to work together! Wishing you a Happy New Year!!
Gleðileg Jól 2006

The Seeds' tree and all its leaves spread all over wish you a merry International Christmas from Colombia, Czech, Republic, France, Iceland, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and the UK.
We all wish you love, peace. happinness and health!
EVS leaving their second home...
It is already December... It has been 7 months since they arrived to this island in the Middle of the North Atlantic... The time for all of them to head back home arrived today...
They, our first flock of EVS volunteers ever, left.... They all came from different corners, from Spain to Slovak. . .
SEEDS - Photo Contest 2006!
After a very good season this summer and having had the chance to host so many International volunteers in our workcamps around Iceland, we decided to organise a photo-contest among the participants and have the chance to see the way they caught images from our work, our people, our landscape and. . .
Bowling in Keiluhöllin

The night before Javier’s departure was our last chance to meet and have fun like in „ the good old days“.
To cut it short: Unusual place - Bowling den, usual fun and even green northern lights!! Oscar revealed his hidden bowling talent, Jérémie his unique style, Jorge - classy Latino, Alena. . .
Celebration of SEEDS' birthday
The beginning of November has brought, apart from huge amounts of snow, few other memorable events. One of the most awaited was definitely the first birthday of SEEDS. The gathering took place in the headquarters at Grettisgata, best time of the week, on Friday. A little bit of Autumn nostalgia c. . .
SEEDS growing up! First Anniversary!

SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, will turn 1 year next November 7th! This first year of life has been full of hard work, plenty of motivation and good outcomes of our projects in Iceland and abroad!
SEEDS started to talk!
SEEDS started to walk!
SEEDS had its first teeth!
SEEDS is growing u. . .
SEEDS 13. Sólheimar - Sjálfbært samfélag

The last, but...
Small group, but...
Typical icelandic weather, but...
...but, very nice two weeks in Só make the nice ending... cherry on the cake of this season...
...10 volunteers from Germany, France, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic came to this. . .
Melting SEEDS in Spain...!!!!

After 7 days in the middle of Spain, two French Seeders just arrived back, back in our lovely cold isle in the middle of the Atlantic...
7 days ago, the thermal schock started. Our two Ice-French volunteer started to get some new knowledge about consumption habits, globalisation, and citizen. . .