SEEDS 18. Viðey: Saga, Náttúra & List
A group of 16 volunteers from Italy, Spain, Japan, Poland, Germany, France, Hungary, United States and The Netherlands have successfully ended the second SEEDS work-camp on the island of Viðey this year.
The group worked as a team from the beginning and a lot of work was done and achieved. On. . .
85 Volunteers all over the country!
SEEDS Iceland has at the moment 85 active volunteers all around the Icelandic map in Dalvík, Reykjavík, Sólheimar and Viðey!
All these 85 volunteers are staying at different locations for 2 weeks at the time, supporting a diverse type of activities, as at the Fiskidagurinn Mikli í Dalvíkurbyg. . .
Weekend at Skaftafell with AUS & UST

Sjálfboðaliðar og starfsfólk frá Umhverfisstofnun, SEEDS og AUS komu saman í Þjóðgarðinum Skaftafelli um helgina til þess að ræða saman og kynnast betur starfi hvers annars á sviði sjálfboðaliðaþjónustu.
Aðilar frá samtökunum ræddu ýmis mál tengd móttöku sjálfboðaliða, svo sem þróun sjálfboða. . .
SEEDS 17. Reykjavík: Hinsegin Dagar, Menningarnótt & Maraþon

As last year, a group of international volunteers from SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, are in the city supporting the 3 biggest festivals in Iceland, the Gay Pride, the Marathon and the Culture Night.
This year the group is formed by 17 individuals from 9 different countries Czech Republic, Finlan. . .
SEEDS 11. Fiskidagurinn Mikli í Dalvíkurbyggð - Fish Festival
SEEDS group of volunteers comes for the second year in a row to Dalvík to support the Great Fish Day and a diverse types of tasks before and after the festival in town.
This year we have a group of 20 volunteers from 9 different countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Sou. . .
SEEDS 10. Sólheimar, Sjálfbært samfélag
After a busy first week in Sólheimar, our third group of volunteers in the village this year has settled into this unique community.
Our 14 volunteers, from the USA, Greece, Germany, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK, have been working alongside the local people throughout the villag. . .
SEEDS 09. In Bíldudalur!
This time 20 international volunteers will join our project SEEDS 09 in the Icelandic Western Fjords, in Bíldudalur! They arrived today to the town and will stay there for the next 2 weeks!
A very "colorful" group of volunteers, coming from Denmark, Italy, Japan, Korea,Poland, Spain, UK and U. . .
SEEDS & Blái herinn - In action in Akranes: 8 Tons collected!

The group of volunteers participating in our project SEEDS 06 in Akranes joined efforts with the Blue Army, Blái herinn, and cleaned up part of the coastline in the town as one of our first steps of the newly established cooperation between these 2 Icelandic associations!
Yesterday, during th. . .
Dozens of volunteers all around Iceland! Thanks!

It is high season right now in Iceland and SEEDS has 60 volunteers all around the country in different projects in Akranes, Kópasker, Raufarhöfn, Patreksfjörður, Tálknafjörður, Viðey, Reykjavík, Bláfjöll, Krísuvík and Grindavík areas....
This summer 2007 we will host more than 300 internation. . .
SEEDS 08. Reykjavík - Bláfjöll
One more group of 13 SEEDS volunteers have arrived to the Icelandic capital, Reykjavík, and will be here for the next 2 weeks in the Bláfjöll, Krísuvík and Grindavík areas.
The weather has been amazing for the last weeks in the South-west of Iceland and we hope the climate will stays this wa. . .
SEEDS 07. Patreksfjörður & Tálknafjörður
A new group of SEEDS' volunteers has arrived to the district of Tálknafjarðarhreppur and the village of Tálknafjörður! This time we have a group of volunteers coming from Belgium, Czech Rep., Germany, Italy and Australia! Their project started today and they will support few projects in the area!. . .
SEEDS 06. Akraneskaupstaður - Írskir dagar, Irish Days!
SEEDS' volunteers arrived yesterday to Akranes for one more of our voluntary service workcamps!! We have there a group of 8 volunteers coming from Czech Rep., France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and the UK!!
The group will work the first days on the preparations of the Írskir dagar (Ir. . .
SEEDS & VJF - Seminar in Sólheimar

The seminar sponsored by the City of Berlin for the 14 participants in the "Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr" (FÖJ), continues and the German youngsters have now the opportunity to get better knowledge of the Eco-village, working in diverse workshops and areas.
They are right now working on 3 d. . .
On the way to Þórsmörk!
The 12 international volunteers taking part in our project SEEDS 21. International Children’s games & Natural Reserve Þórsmörk, have moved today to the second half of their project!
We all are very grateful for the good time and experiences we had in Reykjavik with the Children's games and ar. . .
SEEDS 05. Langanesbyggð - Þórshöfn

SEEDS' Volunteers covering most of the Icelandic map! With this group in the Langanes peninsula and the other 3 groups in Sólheimar, Hornstrandir, Reykjavík and Þórsmörk, SEEDS volunteers make presence in all corners of the isle!
In Langanesbyggð and Þórshöfn, SEEDS has a group of 10 internat. . .