EVS Training in Reykjavík

A new season of the workcamps and the European Voluntary Service (EVS) has begun. Volunteers began arriving on Sunday 4th May and had all arrived by Wednesday 7th when we began training.
We have 6 workcamp leaders and 6 environmental messengers to join Juste -the Lithuanian EVS volunteer who. . .
Umhverfisstofnun & SEEDS - EVS On - Arrival Training & Introduction Seminar
Starting next week we will have the on-arrival training and introduction seminar for 17 long-term EVS volunteers. They will be hosted by Umhverfisstofnun and SEEDS in Iceland for periods between 4 and 8 months.
The group of EVS volunteers, will be a very international one as they will come fr. . .
EVS Volunteers coming soon to SEEDS Iceland
The spring has arrived to Iceland and the EVS volunteers will arrive very soon! With the co-funding of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission, SEEDS will host this year 13 long-term volunteers coming from different corners of the European map!
This year we are very glad to r. . .
Al Gore & SEEDS Iceland
Earlier today, 4 members of SEEDS attended a lecture given by Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Vice-President of the United States ("former next president of the US" as he introduced himself).
The main issues discussed during his short visit to Iceland were related to the human i. . .
SEEDS continue growing!! Chiara Davico joins our team!

We have the pleasure to announce that a lively intercultural team is now working together at SEEDS office.
Chiara Davico from Italy joined SEEDS team in recent days; we would like to welcome her and wish her all the best for the Icelandic experience! Chiara comes from Alba in the North-wester. . .
Útþrá 2008 í Hinu húsinu - SEEDS Adventure seek!
SEEDS Iceland took part this year once again in Útþrá 2008, an event organised by Hitt húsið, the information- and culture centre for young people of Reykjavík city.
SEEDS along few other organisations working in the youth field were represented in the fair, which aims at promoting opportuni. . .
SEEDS at SCI TEM - Palermo, Sicilia.

SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, will send two representatives to the Annual Technical European Meeting -TEM- of Service Civil International (SCI), which will take place between February 21 and 25, in Palermo on the southern Italian island of Sicilia.
Lilja Rún Tumadóttir and Oscar-Mauricio Uscateg. . .
SEEDS - Annual Report 2007

SEEDS Iceland has released an annual descriptive report on our voluntary service activities with International volunteers for the year 2007.
SEEDS has just turned 2 years old and at the same time has successfully completed its second season of projects all around Iceland. The year 2007 was a. . .
Happy new year! Happy 2008 from SEEDS Iceland!

Dear friends,
May you have blessings, happiness, success, peace and love for all the new year ahead!!
SEEDS - Iceland
SEEDS Iceland wishes you Merry Christmas!

Time for friends and family...
Time to thank and hope...
Time to share and love!
SEEDS Iceland stormly wishes you a Merry Christmas and warm holidays!
Beauty and the Beast Exhibition by SEEDS at Gallery Tukt

Humans can create beautiful things. But they can also act like beasts. Humans are like the Roman god of gates and doors, Janus, who had two different faces looking in opposite directions.
Even on Iceland - with its mystical landscape covered with glaciers and lava fields - there is no escape. . .
Listasýningin ?Fríða og Dýrið?. Rusli breytt í list - Gallerí Tukt

Undanfarna 6 mánuði hafa um 300 sjálfboðaliðar frá 31 ólíku landi komið til Íslands til að taka þátt í verkefnum á vegum SEEDS, verkefnin eru allt frá umhverfis- og náttúruverndun til menningarhátíða og íþróttaviðburða.
Alls hafa 24 tveggja vikna verkefni verið skipulögð vítt og breitt um la. . .
Gallerí Tukt - SEEDS Exhibition: The beauty & the beast

Reykjavík, October 8. During the past 6 months, more than 300 international volunteers from 31 different countries came to Iceland to join SEEDS activities and support diverse types of projects, ranging from environmental and nature-protection to cultural, festivals and sports gatherings.
Tog. . .
SEEDS at the RIFF - Reykjavík International Film Festival

Attempting a work camp at the Reykjavik International Film Festival for the first time in SEEDS history is showing to be quite a success.
Our group is 28 strong from many various countries including Australia, Austria, Colombia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy. . .
SEEDS 22. Suðureyri í Tálknafirði - Like in the old days!!

It was one of the most adventurous of this years´ SEEDS workcamps.
Thirteen volunteers went to reconstruct an old former whaling station in Suðureyri near Bíldudalur and Tálknafjörður, villages located in the remote Icelandic Western fjords. A small museum should be placed there in future. T. . .