My volunteering experience - testimony from Ava Kabouchy, a short-term volunteer of SEEDS

Ava, our participant of the camp SEEDS 004. Environment & Photography - February wrote an article about her experience during the 10 days of volunteering.
Ava is originally from the USA, specifically from Maine, but currently lives in France.
She inspired everyone with her amazing p. . .
SEEDLING is back! - winter (2) 2021/22 - official SEEDS magazine

Winter hasn’t left Iceland yet, so we’re coming back with the second winter edition of SEEDLING magazine!
We were the ones who chose to spend the winter months in Iceland. “Bold decision” we were told.
But paradoxically this time was full of light and inspiration. Time that wouldn't be c. . .
SEEDS ICELAND 2021 | A recap of the year in facts and figures

In 2021 we organised 59 camps with 531 volunteers from 44 countries all over the world. Although our camps were most popular among people aged 18-30, we hosted volunteers of all the age groups. Goals achieved! Thanks to all of you who helped us spread the mission of intercultural understanding an. . .
Plogging Week with SEEDS!

Plogging Week with SEEDS!
WHERE: anywhere!
WHEN: anytime!
with WHOM: invite your friends and family!
Do you actually know what plogging is? The term plogging comes from two words - jogging and "plocka upp", a Swedish term for "picking u. . .
A new edition of SEEDLING magazine - winter (1) 2021 - official SEEDS magazine

The year is coming to an end, but for most of us, a new generation of long term volunteers in SEEDS, it is still the beginning (or the middle :)) of this challenging yet fruitful journey.
In this magazine we share a part of us; what drives us into action, amuses, awes and inspires, hop. . .
Happy Holidays from SEEDS

The SEEDS team would like to wish you happy holidays and a successful new year.
The second Newsletter of the Foster Social Inclusion project is out!

Check out the Newsletter of the Foster Social Inclusion project!
"The project is built to support, address diversity and promote, through best practices, the social inclusion of persons at risk of social exclusion such as migrants, refugees, health-related conditions, low-sk. . .
SEEDS 077. Environment & Photography - December from 30 November to 09 December
The participants of the camp SEEDS 077. Environment & Photography - December took it upon themselves to summarize each day of the camp.
Cassandre = Environment Camp Leader
Luís = Photography Camp Leader
Cherry = Photography Camp Leader
Kasia = Office Volunteer
December 1st →. . .
Foster Social Inclusion: Best practices handbook

Check out the "Best practices" handbook created as part of the project Foster Social Inclusion.
"Best Practices fostering social inclusion, trough art, social entrepreneurship, volunteering and intercultural dialogue"
Access here: ISSUU
International Volunteer Day 2021
Fréttablaðið, an Icelandic newspaper recently published an article about the international volunteering day, which was on the 5th of December 2021. The national agency here in Iceland called RANNIS has invited us this year to celebrate all together. Due to covid-19 and the weather we had to chan. . .
The training module of Foster Social Inclusion

The project partners of Foster Social Inclusion have each created training modules. Here are the links to the modules published so far:

About the Foster Social Inclusion project
"The project is built to support, address diversity and promote, through best practices, the social inclusion of persons at risk of social exclusion such as migrants, refugees, health-related conditions, low-skilled and low-qualified, female and. . .
Let us introduce: Foster Social Inclusion
We'd like to tell you a little bit about a project we are taking part in. The project is called "Foster Social Inclusion" and working on it are organisations from Poland, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Lithuania and Iceland. Each of the organisations are working actively in different fields. . .
WHY PLASTIC? documentary screening | SEEDS X Nordic House
The collaboration between SEEDS and THE WHY foundation began in 2020. The later is a danish non-profit media organisation located in Denmark. Their mission is to produce and distribute investigative documentaries and make them available for everyone, everywhere. Thanks to their network their work. . .
My volunteering experience - testimony from Julcsi Boros, a long-term volunteer of SEEDS
It’s been a while now since I left Iceland - almost three months now! Yet still, there hasn’t been a day without thinking back to those five months I spent on this magical island. It has been one of the most important phase of my life. It has given me so many lessons, so much joy and laughter, so. . .